By adminbpl | Nov 18, 2016

As business grows, the potential of conflict among business actors or institutions becomes escalate. To solve the conflict, the parties have many option of settlement forums, one of which is arbitration. Due to its lots of benefits, arbitration becomes popular and considered as the best way to solve commercial dispute. It has proven that arbitration offers many advantages over litigation in court. There are at least nine advantages that make arbitration becomes people’s favorite in settling their dispute. Here are the detail of arbitration advantages: First, Fully Controlled by the Parties. Basically, arbitration is a way to settle disputes which the dispute parties has full authority to determine the arbitration forum and its technicality aspects. The parties based on agreement have the opportunity to design the arbitration forum that fits to their needs. The technicality aspects that could be determined by the parties, such as: the nature and scope of discovery, the hearing process, the length of time for the entire process, and the arbitrators selection. Second, Time Efficiency. Time efficiency is one of…

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Pentingnya Laporan Pemeriksaan Segi Hukum [LDD] Dalam Transaksi Bisnis

By adminbpl | Nov 18, 2016

Jangan biarkan investasi, kerjasama bisnis dan penyertaan modal Anda sia-sia karena tidak mengetahui resiko hukum yang mungkin timbul dari Perusahaan Target atau Unit Bisnis Target. Mitigasi resiko sejak dini merupakan langkah wajib bagi Investor sebelum masuk kedalam transaksi korporasi secara menyeluruh. BAGAIMANA CARANYA? TEMUKAN JAWABAN LENGKAPNYA DI LEGAL WORKSHOP INI: ? PENTINGNYA LAPORAN PEMERIKSAAN SEGI HUKUM [LDD] DALAM TRANSAKSI BISNIS ? Bersama: ? Asharyanto, S.HI. (Direktur SMART Legal Consulting)   Waktu dan Tempat: ?Hari, Tanggal : Rabu, 23 November 2016 ⏰Waktu : 09.30 – 12.00 WIB ?Tempat : 88Office Lt. 26 Unit D, Jl. Casablanca Raya Kav 88 Jakarta 12870 Mengapa Anda Harus Hadir: ✅ Memberikan pemahaman yang baik terhadap pemeriksaan LDD ✅ Unsur-unsur yang perlu dipahami dalam melakukan LDD ✅ Tehnik mempersiapkan Laporan LDD ✅ Seberapa jauh Manfaat LDD bagi transaksi yang hendak dilakukan Yang Harus hadir: ✅ Corporate Legal ✅ Legal Officer ✅ Pelaku Usaha/Bisnis ✅ Human Resource Departement ✅ Finance ✅ Accounting RSVP: Rp. 150.000 ?RSVP: Ketik: LW23112016_Nama_Email_Handphone_Instansi_Jabatan melalui email ke: E: atau H: +62821-1234-1235

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Kupas Tuntas Melek Hukum Dan Upaya Menghindari Kejahatan Bisnis Online

By adminbpl | Oct 24, 2016

Kamu pengusaha bisnis online? Atau Kamu konsumen bisnis online? Ingin tahu berbagai modus kejahatan bisnis online dan cara mengatasinya? Yuk temukan solusinya dalam legal workshop: “KUPAS TUNTAS MELEK HUKUM DAN UPAYA MENGHINDARI KEJAHATAN BISNIS ONLINE” Bersama: Bimo Prasetio, S.H (Partner Kantor hukum BP Lawyers) Achmad Zaky (Founder & CEO Bukalapak) dan Tim Legal Bukalapak   Waktu dan Tempat: Hari, Tanggal  : Rabu, 16 November 2016 Waktu              : 09.00 – 12.00 WIB Tempat            : Cre8 Community + Workspace Level 13-A, Metropolitan Tower Jl. R.A kartini – TB Simatupang Kav. 14, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan   Mengapa Anda Harus Hadir: Menghindari kerugian bisnis online dengan melek hukum Mengetahui berbagai jenis modus kejahatan bisnis online Mendapatkan bekal dalam menyusun strategi hukum untuk melindungi bisnis Mengetahui upaya hukum yang tepat terhadap pelanggaran kasus hukum bisnis online   Yang Harus hadir: Pengusaha toko online Pelapak dan konsumen jual beli online Startup digital UMKM Intenet Marketer   Tiket: Rp.50.000,- RSVP: Ketik: LW161116_Nama_Email_Handphone_Pekerjaan melalui email ke: atau SMS/ Whatsapp 0821 1000 4741

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By adminbpl | Oct 11, 2016

Arbitration considered as an effective dispute resolution forum to get the best result. Commercial disputes become one of inevitable consequence in the business. The dispute can arise between parties which located in Indonesia or abroad. Arbitration as a dispute resolution becomes popular in the business for its many advantages. One of the advantages is a settlement in arbitration forum is strictly confidential. The hearing only can be attended by the related party, so the dispute will not revealed to the public.. There are two efficiency forms obtained when choosing the settlement of disputes in arbitration, namely the cost and time efficiency. In arbitration process, the costs are transparent. You will be provided with detail cost required, since the beginning the parties are be able to know how much the cost to be incurred. There is no unexpected cost that suddenly came out during the process. In terms of time, the process of settling disputes through arbitration is faster than the litigation process in court. According to Law No. 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and…

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Legal Workshop: Efektif Berlitigasi di Forum Arbitrase

By adminbpl | Oct 11, 2016

Apakah anda merasa puas dengan penyelesaian sengketa melalui peradilan pada umumnya? Apakah Anda sudah mengetahui adanya lembaga arbitrase yang dapat memberikan jalan keluar terbaik bagi Anda untuk menyelesaikan sengketa yang ada? Temukan kiat-kiat sukses menyelesaikan permasalahan Anda melalui lembaga arbitrase yang tidak akan Anda temukan dalam literatur hukum manapun dalam agenda Legal Workshop: “EFEKTIF BERLITIGASI DI FORUM ARBITRASE” BERSAMA : Bimo Prasetio, S.H. (Partner Kantor Hukum BP Lawyers Counselors at Law) MENGAPA ANDA HARUS HADIR? Mengetahui persiapan formil dan materiil sebelum memulai proses arbitrase Mendapatkan tips dan trik untuk menentukan nilai ganti rugi yang tepat dalam permohonan arbitrase Mengetahui preseden penanganan yang efektif di arbitrase   WAKTU DAN TEMPAT Waktu: 09.30 – 12.00 WIB Hari dan Tanggal: Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016 Tempat : V Hotel Jakarta, Tebet Jl. Prof Dr. Soepomo No. 100, Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta REKOMENDASI PESERTA: Direktur Legal Manajer In House Counsel Staf Legal Perusahaan TIKET: Rp. 200.000 Sudah termasuk snack dan materi workshop KONSULTASI GRATIS RSVP: Ketik Nama_Email_Handphone_Perusahaan_Jabatan kirim melalui email atau SMS/ Whatsapp 0822 1000 9872…

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By adminbpl | Aug 31, 2016

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By adminbpl | Aug 27, 2016

INDONESIAN ARBITRATION LAW The Constitutional Court assessed that the Elucidation of Article 70 of Law No. 30 of 1999 regarding Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolutions (Arbitration Law) against the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and it is not legally binding. Applying for an annulment of an arbitration award now appears to be a common step taken by an unsatisfied party of the decision made by the Indonesian National Arbitration Board (BANI). But this annulment can only be done in a limited manner on the basis of Article 70 of the Arbitration Act. However, referring to Article 60 of the Arbitration Act, an arbitration award is final, has permanent legal force and binding on the parties. In the elucidation of Article 60 of the Arbitration Act reaffirmed that an arbitration award cannot be appealed, applied for cassation or reconsideration.   Article 70 of the Indonesian Arbitration Law In Article 70 of the Indonesian Arbitration Law, an application for annulment may be filed if the award is contained the following elements: Letters or documents…

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Tax Amnesty: What is It and Why Does It Matter?

By adminbpl | Aug 25, 2016

President Joko Widodo’s administration has been trying for almost six months now to get lawmakers to pass a tax amnesty bill into law. The bill has already overcome a bout of political hand-wringing early this year that almost cost the country its powerful anti-corruption agency. And just recently, it found an unexpected driving momentum from the so-called Panama Papers, an international data leak that has linked some of Indonesia’s rich and powerful with tax-dodging. The government pinned its hope on the tax amnesty to repatriate trillions of rupiah now stashed abroad and, in the process, score additional tax revenue to keep the state budget deficit from widening. But though the finish line now seems to appear within the government’s grasp, a consensus on the tax amnesty bill from the different political factions in the parliament remains evasive. The House of Representatives went into their three-week recess on April 29, without reaching an agreement on the bill. Still, House leaders and the government remain optimistic they can resolve their differences once the lawmakers start discussing…

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Indonesia's Economic Growth Highest in Asia: President

By adminbpl | Aug 25, 2016

Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Indonesia’s economic growth is among the highest in Asia despite being affected by the global economic slowdown, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated. “Indonesia’s economy in the first quarter of 2016 grew by 4.91 percent. In fact, in the second quarter of this year, the national economy registered a growth of 5.18 percent,” the president remarked in his state address before the joint session of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) and the House of Representatives (DPR) here on Tuesday in the run-up to the 71st anniversary of Indonesia’s Independence. Jokowi reiterated that Indonesia’s economic growth was higher than the average global economic growth and that of developing nations. The president noted that 2016 is the year for accelerating national development, following the construction of infrastructure across the country, especially in villages, suburban areas, and border regions in order to boost national connectivity. “Armed with the achievement of a fundamental transformation in the economy, the government is determined to accelerate development. We must move forward,” he emphasized. The joint session of the…

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