Things to Know for Foreigners whose Visa are Expired during Covid Pandemic in Indonesia

Things to Know for Foreigners whose Visa are Expired during Covid Pandemic in Indonesia

Things to Know for Foreigners whose Visa are Expired during Covid Pandemic in Indonesia

20 May 2020

Things to Know for Foreigners whose Visa are Expired during Covid Pandemic in Indonesia

Covid 19 pandemic resulted in the Indonesian government need to make policy regulations to prevent the situation from getting worse. One of the major issues that must be regulated is the traffic of foreigners. On 2 April 2020, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights impose a ban on foreign nationals from entering Indonesia. That regulation causes much confusion among expatriates going to enter Indonesia and  expatriates residing in Indonesia but their visa soon to be expired. Indonesian Government allowed those foreigners to stay when their visa expired by using Emergency Stay Permit (Izin Tinggal Keadaan Terpaksa). Here are several important things to know for foreigners whose visas have expired and cannot return to their country of origin due to travel restriction.

Applies for Every Visa Holder

The emergency stay is permitted by any type of Visa holder in Indonesia. Both visit visa and limited stay visa (ITAS) eligible to use the emergency stay permit during Covid 19 emergency. As we know there are several types of visit visa and limited stay visa, however Indonesian Government does not differentiate among those types of Visa. All of the type of visa holder able to use the emergency stay permit.

Without Application or Approval Procedures 

Through Regulation of Ministry of Law and Human Rights Number 11 Year 2020 regarding Temporary Prohibition of Foreigners to Enter Indonesia (MOL 11/2020), Government does not give a requirement in applying the emergency stay permit. That permit will automatically be valid since the expiration date of a foreigner’s visa. Hence, foreigners do not need to apply or submit any application to Immigration Office.

No Money to Pay

Since the emergency stay permit applies automatically without application procedures, foreigners do not need to pay before that emergency visa applied to them. This provision regulates under Article 4 and 5 of MOL 11/2020.

No Specific Duration

Emergency stay permits are valid as long as the status of Covid 19 emergencies remains. The Government does not specify the time validity of the emergency stay permit. Hence, the foreigner must prepare whenever the Covid 19 emergency status revoke, they must directly apply for the visa extension or go back to the home country.

Stay Update and Safe

Since there is no specific duration using this emergency stay permit, foreigners are obliged to keep updated on the regulation regarding the immigration in the time of Covid 19. Besides that, foreigners must also stay updated on the development of Covid 19 in Indonesia because the Government is able any time revoke the emergency status of Covid 29. Once it revokes, foreigners must immediately apply for Visa extension or back to the home country. We provide continuous updates related to Covid 19 regulation Indonesia, you can periodically check our website.

Further, staying updated is important, however, staying safe is more important. Please apply the Covid 19 prevention protocols well and do physical distancing.


Author: Andi Akhirah Khairunnisa